Sunday, February 1, 2015


My current school uses Plato software for the curriculum, so students have a computer that they work on for much of the day. While English requires supplementing (with books and such), all students have personal computer access throughout the day.

While the computers are used for coursework, they are also used as an incentive. Everyone has so much work to complete daily, and when students finish their independent work, they may play games online. This has encouraged many students to stay focused on their work during class as opposed to causing any disruptions. (Remember, this is a behavior focused school).

Most websites are blocked for students, but we found ABC-Ya! and students love it! It offers thinking games and the chance to improve upon scores. Students will even encourage each other through the coursework so that they can play a game together and compete at the end of class. If you have students or children who are interested in non-violent computer games, check out ABC-Ya!

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