Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sticker Charts in Middle School? Yes!

I have a terrible addiction to the Dollar Tree teacher section. It's actually a pretty wonderful addiction considering the price. I am always finding great posters and reward incentives.

I recently got a bunch of sticker charts. I am using them with my homeroom students as a behavior chart. At my current school, students earn points for their behaviors. Every week, students who earn all of their points are rewarded with a pizza party. This semester, we're adding another level. Every day that the students earn all of their points, they get a sticker on their chart. When the chart is full, that's their ticket to a no uniform day. My students are loving that!

Sticker charts are a daily reward working towards a larger one. Plus, there's some competition in it. It's just the right kind of incentive for middle school. Don't let those tough ones fool you; they love stickers too!

The No-Uniform Sticker Charts for my 8th grade homeroom. 

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