Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Greek Gods and Goddesses Facebook Pages

Freeology has a facebook template that I've used in a number of units. The most successful (and probably most fun) had students creating facebook pages for ancient Greek gods and goddesses. I've done the project both on paper and digitally. Students use varying websites to research their god or goddess. Mr. Donn's website is my favorite to use because it reaches students at a variety of ability levels and gives qualities and myths for each god or goddess. Students then get into character and use their information to create a facebook page. They also have to  find the best picture to represent their god or goddess. Here are some of my favorites!

When I completed this lesson in a high school classroom, we also had a god and goddess party where students had to dress up like their researched god and goddess. They each had to come up with props and interact with each other as if they were their gods and goddesses. Poor Persephone was constantly bothered by Hades though!

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