Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Grammar Escape Rooms

 I have been on a mission to make grammar a more exciting part of my curriculum. It's never been my favorite because there's not much creativity when it comes to grammar. You are either right or wrong. Most of Language Arts allows freedom. You can find many themes in a text. You can write stories that are full of imagination. Grammar, well, can be boring. In an attempt to keep boring out of my classroom, grammar escape rooms have been created. Students work together to solve 4 worksheets on a particular unit of study. There is always a theme and some horror to escape. In the noun escape room you must solve all of the challenges or risk losing toes to frostbite. In another escape room, aliens are out to destroy the planet and knowledge of the parts of speech is all that will save all of humankind! Maybe grammar isn't so boring after all. 

Verb Escape Room

Parts of Speech Escape Room

Noun Escape Room

Subject and Predicate Escape Room

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