Monday, January 15, 2024

I Heart Unicorns!

 I have had the most fun teaching an after school enrichment class this fall! I Heart Unicorns is filled with a dozen 4-6 year olds who all share a passion for the magical way of the unicorn. The class has filled my heart as we completed unicorn yoga, discovered our unicorn names, created homes for our unicorns, and learned all about the eight types of unicorns discovered by the Magical Unicorn Society. The Magical Unicorn Society books have been a big inspiration. After learning about the different types and decorating their own unicorns, students most enjoyed the unicorn hunt! Make two copies of the types of unicorn pages. Cut out the unicorns and hide them around your house. The other copy is the map. As your children go on a unicorn hunt, ask them about where they are as they find each unicorn. The Desert Flame is in the hot sands. Act like the ground is a desert! The Water Moon is, of course, in the water. Swim to it! This was so much fun, and my own children (3 and 4) have spent so many hours going on unicorn hunts!

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