Sunday, February 22, 2015

Key Terms Foldable!

Foldables can be a creative way to take notes that may otherwise just be a page of words. While not all foldables work for every situation, I have a favorite of the moment. It works particularly well with definitions and key terms. (Tip: The math teachers always know all the great foldables, ask them!)

Students fold their paper long-wise (hot dog style) and then cut to the halfway point for as many terms/boxes needed. 6 is a good limit because any more and the page gets a little flimsy. So the front will have tabs and the back will remain one sheet without cuts.

I like to write the term on the front with the definition on the page below. If it is a term with examples, I will often put the examples on the back of the term tab. They can still be hole-punched for student notebooks.

I used Photo Booth, hence the mirror image.
To start our persuasive writing unit, I am going to have students create this foldable and then identify different examples of each purpose using these worksheets. I think I'm going to create a class anchor chart as well where students can write the different worksheet examples for each category. I'm still deciding if I will have students write the examples or make this a cut and paste activity. I'll have to wait and measure the cooperation level of the class tomorrow...

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